It’s A Team Effort

How do you tell 187,000 people something?  Send mail; call them; run an ad on radio or TV?  All those all cost money.

To reach everyone we need to reach, we need the support of friends.  To put it bluntly, we need your money!

But, like Blake’s handling of the state budget, you can rest assured it will be spent well and you will be confident you have gotten the most bang for your buck.

If you prefer to mail a donation, please send your check to:

Friends of Blake Tillery
404 Durden Street
Vidalia, GA  30474

Or click the GIVE button below or in the upper right hand corner of every page to donate with a credit card.

If you know Blake, you know he doesn’t come from money.  He runs a small business, provides for his family and pays his taxes. That doesn’t leave much extra for campaign costs.

Thanks for your support.  We appreciate your trust with your vote AND your money.  We have to keep our Senator in office because Blake Tillery delivers results for us!

Why Give?

Campaigns cost a lot of money.  Signs, mailers, and even gas to travel all over the 11 counties in the District.  But what do you get in return?

You don’t just get the promise of good government.  We’ve seen Senator Tillery in action and Blake’s record of results is what we need.  We all benefit from Blake’s tax cutting, economy growing, regulation reducing, people first, team oriented approach to government.

We get to keep a man that is true to his word, treats people fairly, lives out his Christian faith, and sees this role as a servant’s role not as a stepping stone for other platforms or issues.  We have a common-sense conservative who works well with others in Atlanta looking out for our best interests.

Campaign Finance Rules

If you give $100 or less, the following rules don’t apply.  But if you give more, please read on.

We need your Occupation, Employer and Address when you donate more than $100.  We have to report this on an Ethics form and when you tell us on the front end, it makes the official filing much smoother.

Also, don’t forget, the maximum amount you may give is $3000 in this election cycle.  However, we are happy with any amount you choose to trust us with.

We would love to have you join our team.  Whether you want a yard sign, will commit to praying, can host a meet & greet, are willing to call neighbors, donate to the campaign, or go door to door, WE NEED YOUR HELP!

This is a team effort.  Democracy isn’t a spectator sport, it’s a team sport.  Let’s work together to make South Georgia better for all of us!