With Joe Biden and the Democrats working to destroy our economy, it’s up to Senator Blake Tillery and the Republicans here in Georgia to protect us.
Inflation is killing us. So, Senator Tillery led the way on CUTTING OUR TAXES! In addition, Blake is focused on creating an environment for good, high-paying jobs to come to South Georgia so our best and brightest don’t leave home for Atlanta and our area continues to grow.
To secure these high-paying quality jobs, Blake knows we have to focus on some important keys to provide. We need:
- Quality infrastructure (power plants, water, natural gas, schools and roads)
- A well trained workforce
- Access to state economic development dollars to incentivize businesses
- Promote our fantastic quality of life and the joy of small town life
- Work together across county lines (people will drive 20-45 miles a day to a good job)
- Maximize the value of our proximity to the ports of Savannah & Brunswick
As Senate Appropriation Chairman, Blake is in a key position to help with these needs. That’s why we’ve seen project after project that makes our area strong, more competitive, and attractive to businesses. Blake is focused on growing South Georgia so we can get the best jobs for our neighbors. This lowers the tax burden for all of us, increases the vibrancy of our area and helps keep our kids closer to home with opportunities for a good career.
We Need To Keep Blake Tillery!
Let’s re-elect Blake Tillery so we will continue to have a Senator that is focused on job creation and making our region the pride of the state in regards to economic development. Blake is working for us. Let’s re-elect Blake Tillery and grow South Georgia!
With our proximity to the ports of Savannah and Brunswick, our area has a great opportunity to see growth in warehousing & distribution. We need to think regionally and make sure we are doing everything to make job growth possible. That means building infrastructure, removing government regulation, working across county lines, getting the State to provide incentives, having the best educated and trained workforce around and keeping the quality of life we all love and enjoy.